+ 0523.837149 ufficio.commerciale@nuovaguseo.eu
Chemical - Pharmaceutical - Cosmetic - Food ← Back to Project
Nuova Guseo’s weighing and bag-filling units are as simple as reliable equipment. The unit consists of a storage hopper, complete with extracting screw, and of a weighing and bag filling device. The weighing units are equipped with a weight detection system with 3 or 4 load cells, the control unit acting directly on the extracting screw, modulating the screw speed in order to obtain the fast approaching to the selected weight. Subsequently, by reducing the number of revolutions of the screw, it allows to get the maximum weighing precision. Nuova Guseo’s weighing and bag-filling systems are suitable for “open mouth” or “valve” bags and can be supplied, upon request, complete with:
The equipment is easy to use, the components are easy to be disassembled for quick cleaning and product change.
Weighing and bag filling units
Chemical - Pharmaceutical - Cosmetic - Food
The weighing and bag filling system of NUOVA GUSEO are suitable for "open mouth" or "valve" bags
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