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Chemical - Pharmaceutical - Food -Mining ← Back to Project
The screw conveyor is one of the most simple and practical means of transport of solid materials. This extremely versatile device allows its use in the most diverse industrial sectors, from the extraction to the chemical, from the food to the pharmaceutical ones. The screw conveyors are essentially constituted by a helicoidal screw, mounted on a shaft supported by bearings which, by rotating, pushes the material to be transported along a dedicated channel. Peculiar characteristics of Nuova Guseo’s screw conveyors are the simplicity of construction, the ease of obtaining a perfect seal of the powders and the small need of maintenance in addition to the low power installed, which, however, is always to be related to the conditions of use, the nature of the conveyed material and the size.
The screw conveyors, typically horizontal, through suitable measures can be effectively used also with high inclinations, depending on the application requirements and process.
Depending on the characteristics of the substances to be transported and the area of application, the screws can be made of different materials such as carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminum, PTFE etc. Special treatments (i.e. antacid coatings) area available upon request.
Nuova Guseo’s screw conveyors can be easily integrated into complete lines of mixing, grinding, micronizing process and much more.
Screw conveyors
Chemical - Pharmaceutical - Food -Mining
length and diameter variable according to the specific requirements of transport
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