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Chemical - Pharmaceutical - Food - Mining
Between all size reduction equipment, hammer mills are more widely used than any other to grind minerals and fodder. Now thanks to some special features of the mills series RP, they can be used in foodstuffs and chemicals industries too. Of simple, yet robust design, the hammer mills are suitable to meet the most medium size reduction requirements. They can be used to mill various materials: fibrous, tough, hard, crystalline, fragile, moist, fat and heat sensitive. Thanks to a series of adjustments (tip speed of the hammers, perforation sizes of the classifying screen, number and shape of the hammers themselves) it is possible to optimize the performance from the machine in relationship with the product to be treated. Since the inner temperature of the mill increases during running, which causes the product softening (for rubbers, elastomers and resins) or the leak of oily substances, it is possible to carry out cryogenic grinding.
The new series TB represents the latest evolution of the traditional types of hammer mills and is characterized by the ease of assembly and cleaning operations, as well as for the accuracy in the choice of materials of construction and finish, making these mills particularly suitable for use in the food and pharmaceutical field. The operating principle is widely experienced: inside the grinding chamber the rotor is provided with double profile hammers, which repeatedly collide with the product to be treated up to reduce it to the size defined by the calibration grid. The internal parts are in Stainless Steel AISI316L, mirror polished, the rotating parts are equipped with radial shaft seals in FDA approved materials The mill series TB can be supplied complete with devices for automatic product dosing and unloading and can be easily adapted to existing process lines. The configuration of the mills of this series also allows an easy installation in isolator, for the treatment of particularly active principles (API and HAPI).
Hammer Mills- series rapide - turbine
Chemical - Pharmaceutical - Food - Mining
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