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Chemical - Pharmaceutical - Cosmetic - Food ← Back to Project
The cone mill series CM fits among the products with high quality standard that Nuova Guseo has developed and perfected over the years in the field of solid forms particle reduction, for different applications. The cone mill is the ideal solution to obtain a uniform particle size dimension for substances with irregular particle size distribution. The operating principle is simple and effective; the product, once fed into the grinding chamber, is pressed against the surface of the conical calibration grid by means of an impeller. Only once achieved the dimensions imposed by the grid the product is discharged, simply by gravity, into the underlying container. The cone mill can be used, optimally, to grind wet, brittle, gummy products, etc. and it is ideally suitable to meet the production needs of the following areas:
The configuration for pharmaceutical and food application differs for the accuracy of the finishes, and the degree of surface roughness. Furthermore, it complies with cGMP’s regulations and allows separating the mill from its motor. This characteristic permits to place the mill in the working area and the motor in the technical area; in this way it is possible to separate them to proceed with the cleaning and decontamination of the mill in dedicated premises.
Nuova Guseo’s cone mill can be used both as an autonomous system and as an integrated component into complete process lines and can also be configured for installation in isolator in the treatment of highly active principles.
cone mills CM
Chemical - Pharmaceutical - Cosmetic - Food
Finenesses: up to 350 μm
© 2016 Nuova Guseo Codice fiscale: 00310330337 Registro Imprese di Piacenza – Numero di Iscrizione: 97797 – Capitale Sociale € 104000 i.v. – PEC : nuovaguseo@legalmail.it