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Mining ← Back to Project
Such a mill is particularly suitable for medium / high productions and it is able to obtain particle sizes up to 20μm. The multi-stage pulverizer is mainly used for the treatment of minerals, heat- sensitive products, resins, metal oxides and flammable or explosive materials. Thanks to the combined action of the grinding parts and of suitable ventilation flaps, you can obtain at the same time the reduction and the classification of the treated substance.
A series of other characteristics also allows to:
Operate in automatic cycle 24 hours 24.
Work with total inert gas recycling.
Dry the product during the grinding time.
Perform particle coatings with other substances.
Getting more particle sizes at the same time.
Self-Classyfing Pulverizers - Pluristadio Series GR
fineness up to 20µm
© 2016 Nuova Guseo Codice fiscale: 00310330337 Registro Imprese di Piacenza – Numero di Iscrizione: 97797 – Capitale Sociale € 104000 i.v. – PEC : nuovaguseo@legalmail.it